Here’s to starting the IB! Although the summer is coming to an end, for those of you going into DP1 this means the beginning of your exciting IB journey! Whether you’re feeling enthusiastic or apprehensive, I’m going to outline some tips as to how you can take control of your IB studies from day one.
Get rid of those distractions
Let’s face it, everyone loves to procrastinate! Especially if you have a challenging or tedious task in front of you. But if you restrict yourself from these distractions, this can enable you to complete your work much quicker.
If you find you’re constantly ‘having a break on Youtube’ or always checking Facebook, download Focus, a website blocker. This enables you to block those distracting websites for a specific amount of time, which will increase your productivity when working. Great for starting the IB the right way!
Always checking your Instagram feed? Or are you constantly sending Snapchats on your phone when trying to work? In this case, the app Forest is for you! When you want to limit the distractions on your phone, click on the app and a seed is planted. But if you click off the app too quickly in order to check Insta, your seed will die, making you feel very guilty. So Forest forces you to stay focused and not get distracted.
Time management
The IB is an amazing way to extend your knowledge across six different subject areas. But juggling these classes along with CAS, TOK, and an Extended Essay might sometimes get a bit overwhelming. Through effective planning and dividing your time sensibly across your various tasks, this will enable you to get more done in less time when starting the IB.
Write it down
Some of you might be thinking, but how do I effectively plan my time? Having a physical diary, calendar, or a wall planner is an essential way to stay on top of your work. You can visualise what free time you have available to complete those CAS reports, or write that English literature essay. In your diary or wall planner, writing notes on each subject in a different coloured pen is a simple method to easily keep track of your different subjects.
Others of you might like to use sticky notes as a way to see what needs to be completed and in what time frame. Again, you might like to colour coordinate them according to your different subjects. This can help you quickly identify what needs to be completed.
Use your ‘dead time’ productively
Do you travel to school for one or two hours a day? If so, this ‘dead time’ can certainly be used to your advantage when starting the IB. Listen to a podcast to advance your understanding of one of your subjects. Or even watch a film that links to something you’re studying. I found watching films a great way to extend my knowledge for HL History. Dirty Dancing 2 is great if you’re studying the Cuban Revolution in History!
So, GOOD LUCK as you embark on your IB journey! Remember to think about how you can get into the best routine from the word go. Starting strong now at the beginning of DP1 will make your life easier in the long run!
Want to find out what the easiest IB subjects are? Click this link to find out!