Staying Focused During Your IB Studies: Techniques to Improve Concentration and Avoid Distractions

Written by: Stella Dry

As I tutor I have noticed that in many cases it is not a student’s abilities that keeps them from reaching top IB grades. Instead, many students seem to struggle with their study habits. And I get it, staying focused is hard, but there are things you could do to make it a bit easier for yourself. That is why, today, I am giving you my top tips on how to improve concentration and avoid distractions, both during class and when studying on your own.  

During class:

1. Hold yourself accountable

My first tip is to try to hold yourself accountable. I know this may be difficult, but remember, if you actually do all your work in class you will have fewer things to do when you get home. Which means more free time! So when you feel your thoughts drifting away, try to remind yourself that classes are a great opportunity to learn the content and get help from your teacher. On that note, try to sit far away from your friends (unless you can actually be productive when studying together). This may not be what you wanted to hear but you will be more likely to actually listen to your teacher and do your assignments if you do not feel tempted to hang out with your friends instead. 

2. Ask questions 

A great way to make sure that you are actually listening to your teacher is to ask questions. This way you are making sure that you are actively taking in information and understanding the content. And knowing that you are going to ask at least one question every class can also help keeping the motivation up! And figuring out the perfect question can actually be quite fun.

3. Take notes using pen and paper

Taking notes is a good way to stay concentrated during class. That is because to be able to write down the most important things, you actually need to listen. But why not just use a computer? In short, you can type your notes and it may be helpful if you need to be able to write down a lot of information in a short amount of time. But research does suggest that note taking by hand is more effective in learning and being able to concentrate. Plus, you avoid the temptation to play games on your computer instead.

During self study:

1. Put the phone away!

This might be the most difficult one, but also the most important. For many of us (myself included) our phones can be our biggest source of distraction. That is why it can be helpful to figure out what you need to do to stay off your phone! For some it may be enough to turn off the volume or put the phone somewhere where they can’t see it. Others may have to put the phone in a completely different room. And if you really can’t stay away from your phone, ask your parents to hold on to it while you study.

2. Make a to do list

Another thing that might help you focus is to make a to-do list. This will give more structure to your study session and make it easier to stay on track. Here you can get creative. For example, instead of using AI to try to trick your teacher or tutor that you did the work we assigned you (because trust me, we can always tell) use IA to make you a study schedule.

3. Give yourself breaks

Taking a five minute break to go have a snack or just clear your mind can actually help you stay focused for longer. Your brain needs it! That is why I recommend the pomodoro method, where you study in 25 minute intervals and take 5 minute breaks. You can read more about the pomodoro method here

4. Skip the music

My last tip is to study without music. Unfortunately us humans are not good multitaskers and music can actually be quite distracting. Skipping the music may help you stay more focused but also, be more productive.
However, if you really want to listen to music anyway try to listen to calm music without lyrics. Also, keep the volume low. Here are some playlists that might work:

That is all I have for today. Implementing these tips into your routine will make it 10 times earlier to stay focused during your IB studies. But it is also important to remember to not be too hard on yourself! We are all human and it is completely normal to get tired or lose concentration sometimes.

Best of luck!

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