Winning the Battlefield: Your guide to a 7 for History Paper 1

Written by Manmohini Tiwari

IB History Paper 1 is all about source analysis based on 4 structured questions, which can be to your advantage if you find the right approach. Lucky for you, this paper is less content and syllabus focused than the others, however you must ace the source analysis strategies! Understanding the format is half the battle. Here’s how:

Decoding the Questions: Answer with Precision

Q1: Comprehension (3 marks)“Read Between the Lines: Extracting Key Content”

Identify explicit details from the source. Keep it concise and try to have 3 points.

Q2: Message & Purpose (2 + 2 marks)“What’s the Message? Deciphering the message”

Explain the source’s message with historical context in mind

For the visual source typically, focus on symbols and their significance. 

Look out for words or slogans too in case they are relevant.

Compare and Contrast (6 marks)“Cross-check sources like a pro!”

Compare sources to check for agreement, contradiction, or bias based on their purpose, facts, intention or message.

Key: If you find a common point of discussion between both texts, compare their view on them: do they report the information in the same way? If not, how are they different? Do they oppose or contradict each other in any way?

Source Evaluation (4 marks)“Trust or Doubt? Assessing Source Reliability”

Use OPCVL (Origin, Purpose, Content, Value, Limitation) to evaluate trustworthiness: you must try to reference each aspect once through the value and limitations. 

It’s quite useful to practice past papers in this case, as this is a skill you can practice with any topic whether you have studied it or not

Origin: Who wrote the source? Are they significant? Credible? Reliable? Does their credentials or background strengthen their points or undermine it? Pay special attention to biases, their types, and possible effects.

Purpose: Why was this text written? What was the intention?

Content: What historical information or event does it cover? Data?

Value: Ideally, 2 points for this addressing how the aspect strengthens the source

Limitation: Ideally 2 points for this address weaknesses or deficiencies 

Mini-Essay based on the topic studied (for example: Rights and Protest)

Using the 4 sources and your own knowledge, evaluate the significance of Martin Luther King Jr. during the American Civil Rights Movement. 

Key: You must make at least 1 reference to each source in your essay to achieve a 5/9 

To score above 5, you must integrate personal knowledge from your classes, textbook, or research

It is definitely worth spending time on scoring high on this essay as it will only help your essay writing skills for the big ones to come in Paper 2 and 3.

Practice Like a Historian: Rehearse with Past Papers

  1. Analyze past Paper 1 sources under timed conditions to manage time wisely.
  2. Get feedback to refine your analysis skills.
  3. Memorize key historical contexts and events.
  4. Make a summary sheet for the Paper 1 topic you are studying for key events or people
  5. Engage in the subject! Don’t limit yourself to what you are expected to do. I quite enjoyed watching documentaries or Netflix series related to the subject to learn new facts! To get a 7, a little extra effort goes a long way. Not to mention, that you might actually enjoy it more!

Final Victory: How to Secure That 7

Success in IB History Paper 1 comes down to structured answers, strong analysis, and effective time management. Even though it is the shortest History paper you will write, it is often and rightfully considered one of the tricker ones. But keep practicing, and you’ll master the art of historical source evaluation! If you need a boost of support or reassurance, feel free to reach out to Lanterna to connect you with a tutor that is right for you. I wish you the best of luck!

Don’t miss out on our post From Good to Great: Ace IB English Language & Literature Paper 1

Manmohini Tiwari

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