I’m a firm believer that Youtube is an amazing academic resource. I know it can obviously be a big distraction too, but if you know what to look for, then I guarantee you’ll find some excellent videos to enhance your studying and revision. In this week’s blog I’m going to share with you my five favourite study vloggers. Hopefully they’ll have some new tricks to inspire you with your studying!
1. Unjaded Jade

Jade Bowler, also known as Unjaded Jade, is an 18-year old from the UK offering top notch academic support. With over 270k subscribers on Youtube and more than 83k followers on Instagram, she shares her tips with students all over the world. As well as her sound academic advice vlogs, Jade also discusses self-confidence – something that’s so important in relation to academic performance. But if you’re looking for motivation regarding studying, definitely check out her videos here. I especially love her Past Papers and Mark Schemes one!
I often get asked by students why, when they feel they’re revising effectively, they still don’t do as well as they’d hoped in tests and mocks. And my response is always the same thing – use past papers and mark schemes to your advantage! Unjaded Jade also offers the same advice, and her Past Papers and Mark Schemes video is certainly worth a watch. I especially love her MARCKS acronym* for analysing where you went wrong. Watch the video here!
*Maths Error, Application, Read the Question, Communication, Knowledge, and Statement
2. Ali Abdaal

Ali is a Cambridge University medicine graduate, now working as a junior doctor in the UK’s National Health Service. Whilst a number of his vlogs deal with life as a young doctor, Ali also offers some insightful study vids. One of his most recent videos looks at how to learn new content, with the valuable advice that ‘memorisation is bad; understanding is good’. Check it out here!
3. Miss Varz

Varaidzo Kativhu, or Miss Varz to her followers, is currently studying at the University of Oxford. Although her videos are often based on her studies at Oxford, Miss Varz’s discussions and tips about general studying and revision are still relevant for all. Her ‘Study with Me’ vlogs are great for anyone looking for inspiration regarding how to structure your study days. Her methods for getting a solid understanding of certain topics are also really valuable. Check out her latest of these vlogs here!
Miss Varz’s honest reviews of her degree at Oxford are also useful for any of you out there who might be hoping to apply to Oxbridge! Oh and did I mention she’s pals with Malala?! She makes a few appearances in her vids so keep an eye out for that!
4. Jack Edwards

Jack Edwards is a student at Durham University where he reads English Literature. Although it’s one of Jack’s older vids, I love his ‘Best Revision Apps!’ vlog. It even features one of my personal faves – Quizlet! Watch this video right here.
Also worth checking out is Jack’s video on ‘Exam Self-Care Tips’. He offers 10 excellent suggestions for ways to de-stress when studying and revising might get the better of us. The importance of looking after our bodies and taking time off from school work is something I’ve been speaking to a lot of DP2 students about recently. So, if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed or worried about anything (at any stage of the IB/GCSE) why not give some of Jack’s suggestions a go. You can watch his video here!
5. Lanterna!
Finally, I’ve saved the best until last…it’s our very own free IB videos! Not only do we have content-packed videos for Maths, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, but we also have a ton of IB Tips and Tricks vids. These include quick videos to help you stop procrastinating, maximize your productivity, as well as support for how to choose universities! If you haven’t checked them out already, you can do so here!
I do hope today’s blog has proved to you that Youtube contains a massive amount of beneficial content, including some amazing study vloggers. I have no doubt that with my video suggestions above, you’ll be well on your way to acing your studies!
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