Below you will find in-depth reports, thought pieces on modern education, as well as hundreds of tips on how to excel at the IB.
CAS can be as daunting and intimidating as it can be inspiring. It’s an opportunity to do all the cool stuff you’ve wanted to do. CAS is your chance to convince your parents that video games might *genuinely* be school relevant (if you do it right). But what is it, and how do we get…
If you’re heading to university in the Autumn, how are you feeling about starting? Stressed? Confused? Overwhelmed? If any of those words sound familiar, fear no more! Here’s our guide on how to prepare for starting at uni this year. Rest and recuperate If you haven’t seen our post from a few weeks ago about…
Congratulations, your first (probably very intense) year of the IB is behind you. You have reached the halfway mark! It is more than likely that you now have a long summer break ahead of you. These weeks can fly by so quickly that you miss the opportunity to prepare for the following year. Considering how…
Congratulations! IB exam season is now over (thank goodness!), and a very well-earned summer can now begin. It’s still a while before results get released, so it’s time to think about how to best spend your summer, and your potential options going forward. Properly de-stress The first step after exam season should be to put…
Congratulations, you did it. You conquered the beast. After an intense few weeks of what probably felt like non-stop exams with intense preparation, you can breathe a sigh of relief. The IB is now behind you. It is now time to destress after the exams. Post-Exam Blues Some of you might have noticed something strange,…
Your IB final exams are well underway by this stage, and it’s just the final push before you reach freedom! However, it’s important that you stick with it right to the end. Read on for our expert advice on how to get through the final IB exams. Running out of time? Exam season goes extremely…
At this point in the school year, you’re probably feeling like exam season is never going to end. This is completely understandable! The Diploma Programme is a long two years, and your cohort has faced more challenges than normal. Here we’ll take you through our top 3 tips for avoiding burnout in exam season. Tip…
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” This phrase is often (mis)attributed to Einstein and is eerily apt for IB revision. Despite its suspected apocryphal nature, I have found the witticism to hold true for IB maths with its equations and models especially. Too often, I have witnessed a student…
Have you ever found yourself panicking when your teacher asked you to draw the mechanism for the nitration of benzene? Or blanked on a test when you had to suggest the steps necessary to turn propane into propanoic acid? You are not alone with struggling with stages of reactions! As a tutor, I have found…
For subjects like geography, history, and psychology there are a lot of statistics and dates to remember during exams. Memorising this information can be very tricky. However, without this information it is almost impossible to score high marks on essays. Here we’ll take you through our top tips and tricks for remembering general statistics during…