You'll find in-depth reports, thought pieces on modern education, as well as many, many lovely tips. Enjoy.
If you’re heading to university in the Autumn, how are you feeling about starting? Stressed? Confused? Overwhelmed? If any of those words sound familiar, fear no more! Here’s our guide on how to prepare for starting at uni this year. Rest and recuperate If you haven’t seen our post from a few weeks ago about…
Congratulations, your first (probably very intense) year of the IB is behind you. You have reached the halfway mark! It is more than likely that you now have a long summer break ahead of you. These weeks can fly by so quickly that you miss the opportunity to prepare for the following year. Considering how…
Congratulations! IB exam season is now over (thank goodness!), and a very well-earned summer can now begin. It’s still a while before results get released, so it’s time to think about how to best spend your summer, and your potential options going forward. Properly de-stress The first step after exam season should be to put…
Develop Passive Sources of Glo Po Income! Although this sounds like a Youtube advertisement for attaining financial FREEDOM by developing these TOP 10 passive income streams, I promise this is not a pyramid scheme but an excellent way to prepare for Glo Po on your way to school! You can think of your Glo Po…
Are you overwhelmed by IB Philosophy’s complexity, and you just can’t get your head around all the different theories? Read these 5 top tips to get yourself back in gear for acing your next philosophy exam! 1. Get an overview Have you ever read a paragraph in a text, taken a breath, and then the…
Congratulations, you’ve made it to mock season! Mocks are supposed to be a learning experience. They’re here to give you a feel of what an exam schedule is like so that the real ones are less intimidating. If you’re feeling a bit lost with revising for mocks that’s okay! Here we’ll take you through our…
When you finally make it to the end of the semester, revision is almost definitely the last thing on your mind! However, taking the time now to plan out what you want to get done over the holidays will make your life much easier and actually give you more time to relax. Here we’ll take…
As winter and mock season approach, you might find it harder to maintain your mental health. The combination of darker days and the stress of revision can take its toll. Here we’ll take you through our top 5 tips for looking after yourself during what can be a stressful time. Tip 1: Get outside! …
Geography is one of the broadest topics offered within the IB Diploma Programme. The course asks you to understand a wide range of physical and human processes, while using skills normally encountered in both the sciences and humanities. If you’re struggling to master this combination of knowledge and skills, don’t worry! Here we will take…