You'll find in-depth reports, thought pieces on modern education, as well as many, many lovely tips. Enjoy.
Summer’s over. Get ahead before you get behind! The IB is back with a bang, whether you like it or not. Check out these 5 steps that top IB graduates wish they knew before coming back to school. 1. PLAN YOUR TIME The IB is infamously known for the sheer amount of classes that you’re…
With those May exams creeping ever closer and closer, today I thought I’d share another tip based around exam technique. I want us to take a look at how to plan exam essays. When time is so pressured in the IB exams, it can often be hard to know how to use your planning time…
Here it is, 2019! Happy New Year everyone! But with the start of every new year comes those glorified ‘New Year’s Resolutions’. The tradition whereby a person resolves to change, improve and be even better than the year before. Often these goals will be forgotten about after the first week of the new year. But I…
Picture this: school is out, the sun is shining, you and your friends have organised the most epic trip to the beach… Sounds dreamy right? And then it hit you. Yes, you are still an IB student, even in summer. Doing school work over summer sucks, let’s all agree on that now. Annoyingly, being a…
IB Exams: Just days away. A fact which feels overwhelmingly nauseating if you think about for too long. At Lanterna, when we speak to DP2 students, the most common question I get is “How can I best prepare for exams?” While we emphasize the importance of actually studying, we also stress the importance of an…
It may be the oldest trick in the procrastination book. But decluttering and sorting your notes is actually really important. Before you get down to revision, organising your notes into orderly, labelled and topic-specific sections will allow you to follow a revision plan much better and ensure you don’t miss out big sections when studying.…
When it comes to writing a brilliant first draft of your Extended Essay, or any essay, I fully believe that a solid structure is one of the surest guarantees of success there is. It’s the skeleton of the essay that makes it into a fully formed being instead of a pile of jelly. And the…
It’s that time of year again when the IB students of the world knuckle under for the final stretch. The prospect of getting two years’ worth of work into your brain can be daunting to say the least, but fear not – here at Lanterna we’ve been through it and we are here to give…
There’s one thing that I truly believe is consistent among all the IB students who get the highest grade. And that’s organisation. Some of them would argue that they’re not organised at all. That their notes are messy, they don’t make schedules, or they feel they’re all over the place. But what I said still…
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. C. S. Lewis OK guys! This week I want you psyched up because we’re going to talk about a certain way to boost your IB points this term and before exams! Why should I bother with Goals ? OK- so…