Below you will find in-depth reports, thought pieces on modern education, as well as hundreds of tips on how to excel at the IB.
How to Deal With Feeling Unmotivated Written by Stella Dry It is normal to feel unmotivated at times, it happens to all of us. However, in an academically rigorous program like the IB, a longer motivationless period can cause you to fall behind. Therefore, it is easy to enter panic mode when you dread opening…
It’s no secret that the second year of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (DP2) is crazy. Every IB student knows the course workload, subject groups and the IB’s three core elements are stressful, which is why managing that stress as well as keeping an eye on your Study-Life-Balance is so important. Plus, if you make…
Exams are now terrifyingly close, and to perform well, you need to be in the right exam mindset. Improving your outlook, however, is often more complicated than you would think. Before we discuss how you can get the right mindset, let us consider what a poor one might look like. Do you have the wrong…
There are many clichés when it comes to study-life balance. I imagine no one reading this would be surprised if I told them that to have a healthy study-life balance in the IB, they should limit screen time, sleep well and do 100 push-ups daily. This is all true, of course, but radical lifestyle changes…
It’s tempting to mope and sulk about how the mocks went. However, some might be thinking: “how do I learn from my mocks?” Well, that’s a good question to ask! Mocks do serve a real purpose beyond inducing PMSD (post-mock stress disorder). You have a unique opportunity for growth in addition to having neologism as…
2022 is coming to a close, and Christmas is at your doorstep. You may be excited about the presents others have gotten for you, or you may be excited about that fantastic present you will give someone else. However, you shouldn’t forget about being giving towards yourself—and in that spirit, the best gift you can…
The long-awaited holiday break is almost upon us. For some of us dwelling in the northern hemisphere, snow has come down, covering the Christmas ornaments that decorate the streets. In this time of glee and gingerbread, it is of utmost importance that we do not become so entranced that we forget all about the IB!…
Exam stress sucks. Excuse the bluntness, but as I tested different openers, no words rang as true as those. It sucks. Coping with it starts before you even feel it. However, before we get into all that, allow me to paint a picture to remind you just how bad it can be. You’re sitting at…
Practice. This is how 19-year-old Asha graduated from the IB in 2021 with a whopping 45 points. She has been teaching chemistry, maths and biology with Lanterna since April. After crushing the IB, she set sail for London and is now amid her biochemistry bachelor’s at UCL, taking the world by storm. Obviously, Asha did…