Below you will find in-depth reports, thought pieces on modern education, as well as hundreds of tips on how to excel at the IB.
Are you struggling with what to get that anxiety-ridden student that you know as a gift for the holidays? Look no further. We’ve scoured the web and compiled a list of the 20 best presents for stressed IB students to pick them up. Some might be truly useful, others slightly sillier, but all will be…
For those of you with November exams, I’m sure you are deep into revision and perhaps feeling a little overwhelmed and exhausted. It can be easy to put your health to one side when faced with something as intimidating as IB exams. BUT, it’s more important than ever for you take care of yourself and…
As a student, the phrase ‘I just can’t work’ was one I uttered frequently. I would convince myself of all number of reasons why I couldn’t work. I was tired, I was ill, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind– anything to avoid getting started. What I realised, however, is the underlying reason for…
Normally, when it comes to the Christmas holidays, students are desperately counting down the days till they can have two or three weeks of festive fun. I have discovered, however, as I travel around speaking to all you IB students out there, that many of you, especially second year diploma students with mocks coming up,…
As an IB student, chances are you know how it feels to have a million things buzzing around your mind – IA deadlines, CAS projects, ToK, how not to fail maths, EE… but you can’t seem to concentrate on any of them for long enough to get the job done! Instead, you sit there feeling…
Sleep is important. We all know this. Thanks to PhD students at MIT, we now understand that it is whilst we are asleep that our brain’s prefrontal cortex shifts all of the information we learn in a school day to the file marked ‘long-term memory’, ready to be accessed when those final exams eventually roll…
No, really. Those of us at Lanterna have been visiting a fair number of schools recently and it seems like a lot of students, at all stages of the IB, are stressed at the moment. Maybe it’s the season, maybe it’s this particular time in the course, but I think it would do us all…
I bet you’ve got good intentions and want to get things done. The summer is probably a time you were thinking of doing some IB work, but now it’s really hard to make yourself work. Don’t worry, everyone struggles to get stuff done sometimes. However, it is possible to allocate time in a way that…