Below you will find in-depth reports, thought pieces on modern education, as well as hundreds of tips on how to excel at the IB.
A Beginners Guide to Acing the TOK Essay Here is a complete guide to help you understand – and ace – the TOK essay. TOK – The Theory of Knowledge Essay The Theory of Knowledge is a theoretical knowledge based essay. Students are required to demonstrate their ability to compare and contrast eight areas of…
When you hear the word “argument”, you might tend to think of an aggressive shouting match, just to get your point across to somebody – the Latin root of the word actually translates as “to enlighten, make bright”. Argumentation, therefore, is much more than merely getting your point across. And, it’s central to writing all…
If you’ve been in an IB school for awhile, you probably remember hearing older students talking about their Theory of Knowledge presentations. You may have even watched some of them. These presentations formed the ‘internal assessment’ section of TOK, with the TOK essay as the ‘external assessment’. The IBO recently changed the structure of the…
TOK is, for many, an extremely difficult subject to get your head around. A lot of the questions you get asked in class might seem entirely nonsensical to you, and perhaps the TOK essay titles seem just as confusing! One thing that we at Lanterna think is the most under-appreciated thing that truly aids understanding…
Autumn 2020 marks the start of the new Theory of Knowledge syllabus, so if you’re starting the IB this autumn you’ll be the guinea pigs for the newest version of TOK. There are some stark differences between the old TOK, and the revamped version, so reading through this guide is a surefire way to make…