Below you will find in-depth reports, thought pieces on modern education, as well as hundreds of tips on how to excel at the IB.
Choosing what maths to study is confusing for many, you’re not alone! Whether you’ve chosen your maths class for next year or not, I thought it would be helpful to create a super simple guide to the new IB maths courses. Read on for an easy explanation! What can I choose? You can choose between…
Following on from our popular blog about tackling your Science IAs, this week I want to look at the History IA. For those of you studying the beast that is IB History, now is around the time that your teacher may start to introduce the IA task. Whether you’re studying HL or SL, all History…
The CAS Project “Hey, how’s CAS going?” “Really well thanks – I’ve got plenty of activities and experiences on the go so I should have enough to put in my reflections!” “And how about your CAS project? How is that coming along?” *Internal panic – CAS project????! You mean there’s more to CAS than just…
CAS Reflections If you checked out last week’s blog on 100 CAS ideas, then you should be well on the way for having some exciting, unique and fun experiences with CAS! But guess what – the fun doesn’t stop there. As an IB Diploma student you are expected to reflect on your CAS projects and…
This week’s blog is a reminder of, in my opinion, the best revision resources out there – past papers and mark schemes. I know they might not seem like the most creative revision methods, but I promise that they’re an excellent way to master how to apply your knowledge. They can also be a good…
With those May exams creeping ever closer and closer, today I thought I’d share another tip based around exam technique. I want us to take a look at how to plan exam essays. When time is so pressured in the IB exams, it can often be hard to know how to use your planning time…